Page 6 - Kilkenny County Council Corporate Plan 2019 - 2024
P. 6
Kilkenny County Council Corporate Plan 2019-2024
Message from the Cathaoirleach
Cllr Peter “Chap” Cleere, Cathaoirleach.
I welcome this Corporate Plan which to service areas and the continued
is the central feature of the Council’s identification of efficiency improvements.
business framework and sets out I wish to express appreciation to
the strategic direction for Kilkenny the Chief Executive, Management
County Council for the next five years
and staff, Members of the Corporate
This Plan, which is the governance Policy Group and others for their
framework for the Council, also provides work in the preparation of this Plan.
for the delivery of Annual Reports to On behalf of the Elected Members
record details of progress in relation to the of Kilkenny County Council, I wish to
objectives outlined herein and the delivery pledge our commitment to ensuring
of our services between now and 2024.
this Corporate Plan is appropriately
The operating environment in which the monitored and delivered over the next
local authority functions has a significant five year period. I look forward to
bearing on its ability to fulfil its mandate working with all the Elected Members,
effectively. The Council continues to with the support of the Chief Executive
face financial challenges to fulfil our and staff, playing our part in developing
ambitions to deliver the best possible and enhancing our County to make
services and deliver new projects. The it the best place to live, work and visit.
effective delivery of services depends
on the resources available. There
is a need for co-ordinated response
Cllr Peter “Chap” Cleere