Page 5 - Thomastown in Focus - Regeneration Projects Newsletter
P. 5


             LOCAL AREA PLAN

             The future development of Thomastown is under-

             pinned by a Strategic Vision which is intended to
             guide the future growth of the town in a sustain-

             able manner, recognising its natural and built as-

             sets, and enhancing the town’s character, heritage

             and amenities. The Strategic Vision is based on

             detailed analysis of the profile, functions and activ-

             ities of

             Thomastown in line with its position in the County

             Settlement Hierarchy:  ‘This Local Area Plan pro-

             motes the proportionate growth of Thomastown

             to maintain its share of the County population, ap-

             proaching  a population of 2,800 by  2026,  build-

             ing on its established character and consolidating
             its role as a District Town. To achieve this, the Plan

             will encourage population growth that is based on

             the capacity of physical and social infrastructure.

             Thomastown will be supported as a vibrant service

             centre, and the Plan will encourage job creation,

             capitalising on local strengths including heritage
             and tourism. The plan will also promote sustain-

             able movement and identify opportunities to en-

             hance connectivity with particular regard to the

             train station. Development will be encouraged in a

             sustainable manner that promotes both a healthy

             environment and healthy living, and protects the

             unique heritage of the area’.
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