Page 2 - Thomastown in Focus - Regeneration Projects Newsletter
P. 2

Message from the


                                Kilkenny County Council

                                       Welcome  to the 2nd issue  of the Kilkenny County

                                       Council Town & Village Renewal  and Rural Regeneration

                                       projects IN FOCUS update.The first IN FOCUS  edition

                                       highlighted  projects  in Callan and in this  issue  we

                                       have a closer look at projects completed and presently

                                       underway in Thomastown.

          Kilkenny County Council has been successful in securing significant

          funding and implementing key projects in Thomastown and these

          projects are now having a very positive  impact on the town. Kilken-

          ny County Council look forward to continuing to work with our local

          communities to further develop projects in our rural towns and


             I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Executive of Kilkenny

             County Council and Local Community Groups in Thomastown for

             their efforts in assisting in the delivery of the  various regeneration

             projects in Thomastown over the last five years.

             Yours sincerely

             Fidelis Doherty


             Kilkenny County Council
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