Page 7 - Callan Regeneration IN FOCUS
P. 7

Using the Callan Health Check as a catalyst to en-

        gage communities and local organisations the Town

        Improvement Plan was completed and launched in
        August 2019. This active document set out a vision

        for the town alongside identified actions to achieve

        an overall vision that includes the regeneration of

        Bridge Street, Mill Street, the Motte Field, the Fair

        Green and the development of the Friary Complex,

        all key actions within this plan.

        Vision; “Callan Town Team- Putting Callan

        on the map-  building on Callan’s existing

        infrastructure, driving change, and creat-                                                                              WORKING IN

        ing vibrancy in the community”.

        This plan is actively mobilising communities in                                                                   PARTNERSHIP
        Callan to share responsibility and co-operate locally

        and with the identified Implementing Partners (and

        others) to implement actions identified and achiev-

        able solutions. The plan identifies solutions to key

        issues identified through the public consultation

        process. This plan also serves to inform future appli-

        cations for funding under various local and national
        schemes administered by various Government De-

        partments, State Agencies and non-government or-

        ganisations (NGO’s).

        Kilkenny County Council meet with the Callan Town

        Team every six weeks to facilitate the implementa-

        tion of specific actions identified in the plan.
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