Page 6 - Callan Regeneration IN FOCUS
P. 6

My experience of working as                                               opportunities and threats which were used in preparing

                                               Secretary of the Callan Town Team                                         for the future development and enhancement of the town.

                                               since it was initially set up, has                                        Moreover, the data obtained in the assessment supported

                                               been a very positive one. With the                                        future community and socio-economic planning and de-

                                               ongoing guidance from Kilkenny                                            velopment of the town. Following various consultation ses-
                                               County Council and assistance in                                          sions, the Callan Town Health Check collated information

                                               setting up of the key structures                                          based on a range of indicators and issues that were raised,

                                               that represent various sectors in                                         the overall performance of the town was then assessed

                                               the local community. This repre-                                          against pre-determined indicators in order to create reliable

                                               sentative process has played a key                                        baseline information. The Health Check report was com-

              role in focusing the Town Team on developing spe-                                                          pleted and the recommendations of that re-

              cific actions that were included in the  Callan Town                                                       port have been considered by the
              Team Plan. The majority of our short/ medium and                                                           Callan Town Team and this  has

              some long term aims have already been achieved and                                                         since  resulted in the development

              these successes have been of huge benefit to our                                                           and publication of the Callan Town

              town.                                                                                                      Improvement Plan .

              Etaoin Holahan

              Secretary (Callan Town Team)
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